Crunchy, big on flavours, and perfect for any celebration.

Crunchy, big on flavours, and perfect for any celebration.

INGREDIENTS: – egg – sugar – plain flour – lemon zest – almond flakes – baking powder

Add the sugar and eggs to a large bowl

Beat well until you have a creamy texture and a pale-yellow colour.

Add the lemon zest to the mixture

Sift in the flour, add the almonds and baking powder

Shape the dough into a large sausage that is slightly flatten with your hands.

Bake until pale golden, then remove from the oven and cool it down for 5 minutes

Cut the loaf across diagonally into biscuits of about 1 cm thickness & arrange the biscotti back onto the tray, and bake again

Crunchy, flavourful, what a treat!